Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to make a field required on the edit vs. create screen

Issue: You want to make a field mandatory on the edit screen, but not required on the create screen, or just make it mandatory on the subpage you have it on.

Resolution: Within the object administration under attributes, there is a global required checkbox in the configuration for the attribute. Within the object administration under views, there is a view required checkbox that will apply to all subpage views that field is on.

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User error on a portlet - they cannot configure

Issue: A user configures their CA Clarity portlet and has an error when they go to the portlet such that they can no longer access the configuration page of the portlet to restore defaults.

Resolution: Option 1: re-publish the portlet or view (this affects all). Option 2: give the URL to the user for the general page of the portlet config – then have them go directly to the URL and hit “restore defaults”

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